Pattern Corrections
Knit Books
1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Knit 1
1950's V-neck Sweater (page 65 )
Shape Right Armhole - should be [WS] - not [RS]
Men's Ribbed Raglan Sweater (page 73)
Shape right neck and raglan [RS]
........rejoin yarn to rem 19(19,19,19) sts - not 19(21,23,25) sts
Shawl Collar cardigan & Coat (page 76 )
Right Front
Shape Armhole [WS] - replace "knit to end" with "Work to end".
Ultra Vest (page 80)
Description has versions reversed. Both versions are the same length.
FRONT Version 2 Only
Begin texture patt
Row 2 -after "sl1 purlwise" add yb before "K1"
Row 4 - after "sl1 knitwise" add yf before "P3"
Row 18 -after "sl1 purlwise" add yb before "K3"
Page 80 - photograph should be version 1
Page 81 - photograph should be version 2
V-neck vest (page 82)
Yarn used is Alpaca Silk Georgette
Page 83
Left column 14th row down, replace 60(64,68,72) v-neck shaping rows, with 70(74,78,82).
Round 1 (RS) .....
....K2tog, K centre st, K2tog... should be K2tog tbl, K centre st, K2tog
Knit 2
Page 66
Cotton Sweater.
Short Sleeves, Version 2
Both the diagram and the image indicate 12cm for the sleeve length, however, the pattern states only 8cm for the sleeve length before sleeve cap. The correct measurement for this somewhat elongated short sleeve is 12cm (before the sleeve capping), which includes the rib and the shaping at the start of the sleeve. The shaping for the sleeve that is showing in the diagram, also lacks the unshaped section at the top, before the sleeve cap, that would be required to achieve the 12cm length.
Hourglass Cable Sweater
Page 70
Front & Back and Sleeve
To achieve a K1, P1 rib, the second row of the rib should read...
Row 2 (WS) *K1, P1: rep from * to end.
Row 14 Last P1 on row is not needed.
Lacy Cable Sweater & Cardigan
Page 74
Special Abbreviations
T5R (Twist 5 Right) - Slip next 3 sts onto a cable needle and hold at back of work, K2 from left hand needle, then P1, K2 from cable needle.
Page 75 -first column
Cable 3 - Double Waving Rib
Row 4 (WS)........P22 should read P2
Page 75 - third column
Shape Armholes (RS)
Work cast offs on RS and WS, then skip
"(WS)work one row"
....go straight to: (RS) (dec) K2 sl1, K1 etc....
Third column
End of Row 2 (WS) ...(size C and D only, work Row 2 Cable 1A) (P2, K1) 5(7,7,9) times.
Shape Left Neck
4th last row - (WS) Work 1 row - should be (RS)
Ribbon Tie Cardigan
Page 82
Left Front
Shape V-neck and armhole
Next Row (WS) Dec 1 st at end (armhole edge) (Not beg).
Tea Cosy
Page 83
Using 5.00mm needles cast on 42 sts - delete "and Col A"
Special Abbreviations missing
C2F (cross 2 Front) = Knit into the Front of the 2nd stitch on needle, then knit first st, slipping both sts off needle at the same time.
C2B (cross 2 Back) = Knit into the Back of the 2nd stitch on needle, then knit first st, slipping both sts off needle at the same time.
Page 84
Leaf Edging
Pattern should start with...
Using 5.00mm needles, cast on 5sts.
Row 4 (WS) P8, inc. into next st, K1 - not K2
Tweed Cardigan
Page 84
Bodice Circumference should read:
89 99 109 119 cm
35 39 42 7/8 46 7/8 in
Making Up
Right Front band and Left front band - change 14(15,16,17) sts evenly across back neck to centre, to 20(21,22,23) sts, making the total stitches picked up to 137(139,143,145) sts.
Cotton Sweater
Page 66
Work Front and Back neck shaping as follows:
Shape left front neck (RS) Work 26(29,32,35,38,41) sts, turn, leave rem 42(45,48,51,54,57) sts on a holder.
Work each side of neck separately.
(WS) Dec 1 st at neck edge of this row, then foll 4 rows, then every alt row 5(6,7,8,9,10) times [16(18,20,22,24,26) sts, 16(18,20,22,24,26) neck shaping rows].
(RS) Work 2 rows straight.
Shape left shoulder (RS) Cast off 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts, K to end.
(WS) Work 1 row.
Cast off rem 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts.
Shape right front neck (RS)
With RS facing, leave 16 centre sts on a holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, K to end.
(WS) Dec 1 st at neck edge of this row, then foll 4 rows, then every alt row 5(6,7,8,9,10) times [16(18,20,22,24,26) sts, 16(18,20,22,24,26) neck shaping rows].
(RS) Work 3 rows straight.
Shape right shoulder (WS) Cast off 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts, P to end.
(RS) Cast off rem 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts.
Shape right back neck (RS) Work 19(21,23,25,27,29) sts, turn, leave rem 49(53,57,61,65,69) sts on a holder.
Work each side of neck separately.
(WS) Dec 1 st at neck edge of this row, then foll 2 rows [16(18,20,22,24,26) sts, 4 back neck shaping rows].
Shape right shoulder (RS) Cast off 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts, K to end.
(WS) Work 1 row.
Cast off rem 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts.
Shape left back neck (RS)
With RS facing, leave 30(32,34,36,38,40) centre sts on a holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, K to end.
(WS) Dec 1 st at neck edge of this row, then foll 2 rows [16(18,20,22,24,26) sts, 4 back neck shaping rows].
(RS) Work 1 row.
Shape left shoulder (WS) Cast off 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts, P to end.
(RS) Cast off rem 8(9,10,11,12,13) sts.
Page 79
Once all decreases are completed as per the pattern, there will be 92(92,92,92)sts remaining, not 92(104,116,128)sts, as the pattern states.
Knit 3
Stockings (pg 80)
17th line from bottom of page should read:
K11, yf, K3, yf, K12 [29 sts]
Wrap Jacket (page 84)
Bodice length should be
Zig Zag Rib Vest (page 85)
BACK second line - Replace Work 31(35,39,43) rows straight, with Work 31(31,31,31) rows straight.
Cable and Ribbed Vest (page 61)
Shape Armhole: RS (dec) 10 times for size B
Ribbed Poncho (page 80)
Shape neck (WS) dec - to get the 68 sts work as follows: patt 4, *K2 tog, patt 4 rep from * to last 4 sts and pattern these (68sts).
Wide Collar Cardigan & Vest (page 82)
Making Up. Join collar to garment using edge to edge st ( a flat invisible seam).
Knit 6
Raglan Sweater page 30-31
Right Sleeve: Shape Raglan (RS) reads cast off 4(5,6,7) sts at beginning of next 2 rows [84(88,90)sts]
However there are only three sizes, therefore this line should read; cast off 4(6,7)sts.
**It has been brought to our attention that sizes B and C in this pattern are too large. We have since corrected the digital version of Knit 6 to make this a 'one size fits most' garment. Please follow instructions for size A which is roomy enough to fit most people.
Cable Shawl page 28
Cable Panel Row 2 - Replace all of Row 2 with:
Row 2 (WS) K1, P2, K3, P20, K5, P15, K5, P20, K3, P2, K1.
Cable Scarf page 29
Some knitters have had problems with the way Row 7 is worded. I have found that placing an extra set of brackets in the instruction has helped and letting them know the actual cable is textured and not stocking stitch:
K4, sl next 7 sts onto cable needle and hold at back of work, P5, then [(P1, K1) 3 times, P1] from cable needle, K4.
Garter Stitch Jacket page 26
Right Front, Make buttonhole (WS) K to last 5 sts, should read: K to last 3 sts.
Double Yarn Coat page 24
A longish circular needle (80cm would be fine) is needed for the making up of the front edges.
Two Yarn Garter Scarf page 29
There is no version 1 or 2, however the two yarns mentioned are worked together as Col A and Col B.
Cable Sweater page 32
Place * in front of instructions for Row 9 and rep from *
Knit 7
Loose Textured Cape, Cardigan and Sweater
Page 27
The circular needle length indicated in this pattern is 80cm in length.
This needle length is too long for the neck.
A 60cm length circular needle is suitable throughout.
Note: after working the 7 rows for the yoke the 1st row of 'The next 5 rows' is the increase row which gives 66(78)sts, then there are 2 more RS inc rows in these 5 rows which gives 82(94)sts, plus 11 more RS inc rows in the following rounds mentioned equals 170(182)sts.
Loose Textured Cape
Page 28
The yarn requirements for the Cape is 1 more ball of Onyx only.
Loose Textured Sweater
Page 28
Where the pattern says to 'cont to inc on every RS row' under the subheading of 'The next 5 rows' replace the 'every RS row 'with 'every alt row'. As the sweater is knitted in the round on circular needles every row is a RS row.
Note: after working the first 7 rounds for the yoke the 1st row of 'The next 5 rows is the increase row which gives 66(78)sts then there are 2 more RS inc rows in these 5 rows [82(94)sts] then 11 more RS inc rows in the following rounds mentioned equals 170(182)sts.
Ribbed Scarf
Page 24
The revised yarn requirements are as follows:
Colour Quantity
Version 1
Jo Sharp Silkroad DK Tweed x 50g balls
Col 1 407 Magnolia 2
Jo Sharp Soho Summer DK Cotton x 50 g balls
Col 2 235 Oyster 2
Col 3 228 Calico 2
Col 4 250 Fog 2
Version 2
Jo Sharp Silkroad DK Tweed x 50g balls
Col 1 407 Magnolia 2
Jo Sharp Soho Summer DK Cotton x 50g balls
Col 2 235 Oyster 3
Tension note: When large needles are used tensions vary a lot between knitters. This scarf looks great in a variety of tensions, therefore we advise knitters to enjoy the process and enjoy the result - the finished length or width may vary a little from the measurements given in this pattern.
When making Version 1, its best to work 60 rows using the first colour combination, 60 rows in the second colour combination and 60 rows in the third colour combination. The result should be a scarf of approx 168cm (laying flat not stretched). Working 60 rows of each colour combination will use up almost all of the Silkroad DK Tweed yarn (x 2 balls) and less than 2 balls of each of the cottons.
Finished length.
Version 1 - 168cm
Version 2 - 168cm (or length desired)
Origami Bolero
Page 24 & 25
Although this is a simple garment, the making up can be confusing.
The diagram on page 25 unfortunately confuses the making up.
This garment is made simply from 3 rectangular sections.
Section 3, the collar is made from a simple rectangle, and is not a shaped piece, however in the diagram and is shown as shaded and draped which is confusing.
Section 2 is folded to the front along the dotted lines at right and left of section 3.
The Section 2 areas shown to the right and left of section 3 are therefore double thickness when laid flat.
The centre of Section 2, beneath the draped shaded collar section 3, should be single thickness when laid flat.
Collar placement
There is an error in finding the central position of section 1 for collar placement.
The pattern indicates "Place a marker 12cm to either side of centre point of bottom edge at front (or 12cm from sleeve.......
should read (or 14, 17 cm) from sleeve.
The missing i-cord pattern
Using 5.50mm double pointed needles cast on 7 sts.
*Slide sts back to right point of needle, k7.
Repeat from * until tie measures 150cm or length desired. Cast off.
Twisted Drop Stitch Cardigan & Vest
Page 23
Shape armholes: Work 26(29)sts in Moss st (right front), cast off 6 sts, work Moss st for the Next 52(58)sts (back), - from here cont. as published.
This pattern can be worked more easily on circular needles after the bodice and sleeve sts are picked up for the yoke knitting.
Ra Ra Cape
Page 27
Section 3, Ribbed Panel
Rows 1 - 6 ..... are correct, however remove the ** at the end of row 6.
Rows 7 - 12 Rep rows 1 to 6.
Rows 13 - 17 Rep rows 1 to 5.
Cast off in rib pattern.
Placement of the i-cords
The cord from section 1 is taken across to the cord from section 4. The cord from section 2 is taken across front to cord from section 5. Tie knots to fall at front of work.
Crochet Terms
The crochet edging and crochet ruffle are written in American crochet terms, therefore Australian's using this pattern will need to translate terms within this pattern, otherwise the ruffle may turn out too small.
The change is as follows:
1) sc (single crochet, as written in pattern) translates as dc (double crochet) for Australian's.
2) dc (double crochet, as written in the pattern) translates as tr (treble) for Australian's.
3) tr (treble, as written in the pattern) translates as dtr (double treble) for Australian's.
Knit 8
Ribbed Cardigan
We advise to use size 10.00mm needles for the bodice and size 12.00 needles for the collar. The Neck shaping below the collar; use size size 4.00mm.
In all cases, the garment is better worked firmer, rather than looser as the fabric holds in a better shape overall. In some cases, if your normal tension is loose, a size 9.00mm needle can be used in the bodice successfully.
Side to Side Cardigan
Note that the number of stitches between the cables decreases to 2 sts by the time the first cable twist has been worked. This is why, in the second repeat of rows 1 - 7 the pattern states "Rep rows 1 - 7 working k2 on the WS and p2 on the RS between cables". Once you have worked the first repeat, this instruction will make sense.
Page 24: Cast off left front bodice, Next row (RS) Cast off 32 sts.........'p6, k4, p6 'is incorrect this should read 'k6, p4, k6 'to keep pattern correct.
Large Beanie
This pattern calls for a size 4.25mm needle. A 4.00mm needle will suffice here as 4.25mm needles may be rare to find. We have tested the pattern with a 4.00mm needle and it works fine.
Crochet Shawl
The number of chains to make at the beginning of the shawl is 374 not 364.
Cabled Scarf
The number of stitches between the cables changes each 8 rows for Version 1. There is a widening and narrowing effect.
Version 1
Row 8 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' please note that there are now 2 sts between cables.
Row 16 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' note that there is now 1 st between cables.
Row 24 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' note that there is now 2sts between cables.
Row 32 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' note that there is now 4sts between cables.
Version 2
Row 8 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' please note that there are now 2 sts between cables.
Row 16 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' note that there is now 1 st between cables.
Row 24 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' note that there continues to be 1st between cables.
Row 32 Work as instructed to: 'Work 7 rows in patt as set' note that there is now 2sts between cables.
Row 40 Note that there are now 4 sts between cables.
Continue with instructions as written in pattern.
Knit 9
There is an error in the scarf lengths shown in the book. Also the versions were swapped in the measurements. Following is the correction:
Version 1 Circumference 200 cm approx
Version 2 Length 167 cm approx
This is also a correction to tension: 9sts and 33 rows measured over 10cm using 5.50mm needles.
The ruffles and elasticity of this scarf cause measurements to vary. Working in a soft tension gives the best result.
Note Bold type indicates an error or an addition.
Round 2. Ch 2 (counts as1 tr now and throughout the pattern) 5 tr into sp (immediately below the 2 ch) (*miss next 3 tr, 6 tr into sp**) rep 5 times from * to **, sl st into sp between ch 2 and tr.
In both Rounds 3 and 4, The pattern sometimes reads miss 3 ch it should read miss 3 tr.
Round 4. Ch 2 *miss 3 tr, 6tr into the next space, miss 3 tr, 3 tr into sp, miss 3 tr, 3tr into sp, ** rep from * to ** twice, miss 3 tr, 6 tr into sp, miss 3 tr, 3 tr into sp, miss 3tr, 2tr into sp, sl st into sp between ch2 and tr.
There is an error in the needle size conversion, following is the correct conversion;
1 pair 5.5mm needles (USA 9) (UK 5)
To view the work in progress, showing how to pick up stitches for the next square -
click on this link
The yarn volumes are as follows;
Silkroad Aran Tweed 119 Licorice
Size A / 9 x 50g balls
Size B / 11 x 50g balls
The yarn volumes are as follows;
A / 15 x 50g balls
B / 16 x 50g balls
C / 17 x 50g balls
D / 18 x 50g balls
There is a typo error; page 26.
Under Left Front, Shape armhole and neck ' ...measures [3(4,4,5,5,5)cm] with [5(7,9,11) rows] and ending with a RS.....'
Replace 'with' (in the line above) for the word 'work'.
Page 31
Needle size for this beanie should be 40cm rather than 60cm as given.
If you decide to use 60cm circular needles, you will need to use a technique called 'Magic Circle' which may be found as a youtube demonstration online.
The Double Moss Stitch pattern is worked in 4 rounds.
The 4th round given in the pattern is incorrect and should read as follows;
Round 4 Repeat round 3, ending with K2.
Knit 10
Cotton T-Shirt
The yarn volumes published for this garment are incorrect and should read
Size A - 10 x 50g balls
Size B - 12 x 50g balls
Size C - 14 x 50g balls
V Neck Sweater
The bodice shaping is incorrect.
Once the rib band is knitted for 14cm, then work as follows;
SHAPE BODICE. Next row (RS) decr 1 st at each end of this row, then every foll 4th row 4 times (109, 121, 133, 145 sts). Work 1 row.
Shape left V neck (RS) Work 54 (60, 66, 72) sts, turn, place rem 55 (6l, 67, 73) sts on a holder. Work each side of neck separately.
(WS) (dec). Dec 1 st at beg (neck edge) of this row, then foll alt rows, 4 times.
Now cont neck shaping by dec 1 st at beg of foll 4th rows, 15 (16, 17, 18) times.
AT THE SAME TIME shape armholes as foll:
Shape left armhole (RS). Cast off 6 (7, 8, 9) sts at the beg (armhole edge) of this row.
(WS) Work 1 row.
(RS) (dec) K2, sl 1, K1, psso, work to end.
This row sets patt for dec.
Dec 1 st as set at beg (armhole edge) of foll alt rows, 7 (8, 9, 10) times [31 (35, 38, 42) sts, 17 (19, 21, 23) armhole shaping rows.].
Work straight until V neck shaping is complete [20 (23, 26, 29) sts, 70 (74, 78, 82) v-neck shaping rows].
(RS) Work 6 rows straight. Now continue with pattern as is...
Reversible Wrap .
The yarn volumes published for this garment are incorrect and should read as follows;
Version 1
Size A - 6 x 50g balls
Size B - 7 x 50g balls
Version 2
Volumes are correct.