Pattern Corrections
Corrections of these books:
Books 1 & 2
Book 3 Holiday / Book 4 Home / Book 5 Gathering / Book 6 Village / Book 7 Family / Book 8 Eclectic / Book 9 Saturday
Book Number 1
Row 2 should read: K2, p1, *k3, p1; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2.
When working the chevron pattern, K1 needs to be added to every RS row before the *.
CYPRESS (pg 8)
Line 7: inc 1 st at END of next row.
LAUREL HILL (pg 10/11)
Bodice circumference should be 85, 97, 100, 112cm.
Diagram width measurement should be 43(49.5, 51, 57)cm.
Establishment rows RS (sizes C&D) Moss st (14, 17) sts, work row 1 Cable Panel, moss st (16, 19) sts, work 1 row Cable Panel, moss st (16, 19) sts, work 1 row Cable Panel, moss st (14, 17) sts.
WS row also changes to (14, 17)sts on the first and last moss st panel.
Quantities for cropped version:
AStorm 70610111112
TUNDRA (pg 19)
After cast on, knit one row.
Book Number 2
BRIDGET (pg 4)
Yarn Quantites size B should be 17 balls
The way to increase in this pattern is to knit into the front and back of a stitch (ie Kfb NOT M1)
Row 11 [108 sts] (not 111sts)
Row 25 (RS) [K6, K2tog]10 times, K1 [71 sts]
Row 27 (RS) [K5, K2tog]10 times, K1 [61 sts]
Row 29 (RS) [K3, K3tog]10 times, K1 [41 sts]
Row 31 (RS) [K3tog]13 times, K2 tog [14 sts]
COCO (pg 9)
First column, 3rd row down "42, (46, 50, 54) shaping rows" should be AFTER the "work 3 rows"
The Front ends up being 7 rows shorter than the Back - this is correct
HOLLY (pg 10)
Yarn Quatities should be 14 balls.
The pattern for Holly Shawl is as follows:
Cast on 120 sts
Row 1 (RS): *P4, k2, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p6, k2, p4; rep from * to end.
Row 2 (WS): * K12, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k7; rep from * to end.
Row 3: As row 1.
Row 4: As row 2.
Row 5: As row 1.
Row 6: As row 2.
Row 7 (RS): *P4, k2, sl next 7 sts onto cable needle and hold at back of work, p5, [p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, from cable needle], k2, p4; rep from * to end.
Row 8: *K7, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1,k12; rep from * to end.
Row 9: * P4, k2, p6, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k2, p4; rep from * to end.
Row 10: As row 8.
Row 11: As row 9.
Row 12: As row 8.
Row 13: As row 9.
Row 14: As row 8.
Row 15: * P4, k2, sl next 5 sts onto cable needle and hold at back of work, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, k1, p1, [p5 from cable needle], k2, p4; rep from * to end.
Row 16: As row 2.
Repeat these 16 rows until length measures 200cm or length required and cast off.
ISOBELLE (pg 11/12)
LEFT FRONT.. switch Next row (RS) and Next row (WS).
Page 12 ..after working straight to 48 cm , work the WS then RS row. Repeat last 2 rows 4 times (all sizes)... Work 5 rows straight (all sizes).
RIGHT FRONT.. work 4 rows straight (all sizes) .
BACK.. switch RS row and WS row as for fronts.
JUNIPER (pg 14)
Making Up Line below Row 1 (WS) should read
marker, P2tog tbl, slip marker to right needle , P2tog
TO TURN HEEL replace with
Row 1 K13, K2tog, K1, turn.
Row 2 P6, P2tog, P1, turn.
Row 3 K7, K2tog, K1, turn.
Row 4 P8, P2tog, P1, turn.
Row 5 K9, K2tog, K1, turn.
Row 6 P10, P2tog, P1, turn.
Row 7 K11, K2tog, K1, turn.
Row 8 P12, P2tog, P1, turn [14 sts].
Row 9 K14, thus completing heel.
Slip all instep sts onto one needle again. Slip last 7 sts worked onto another needle.
BOOK 3 / Holiday
CHAISE (pg 3)
Shape armhole and divide front neck opening 5th line down should read: (WS) P to last 4sts, p2tog, p2.
Making Up - Version 2 (vest) armhole rib: Using 4.00mm needles and colour A or main colour, with RS facing, pick up and knit 104(104,112,112)sts evenly around arm hole. Work rounds of K2,p2 rib until sleeve ribs measure 2.5cm.Cast off in rib.
ZOE (pg 22)
The bust sizes should read 85 (90, 95, 100)cm
BOOK 4 / Home
The second last row of the first column on page 35 should read: [13 sts]. Turn and knit 7 sts (heel is completed).
SNUGGLE (pg 36)
Abbreviation wl.fwd means the same as yf - yarn forward.
RELAX (pg 37)
Pillow Stuffing should read: 40cm pillow insert .
SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS: K1-b is not used in this pattern.
PATTERN uses 24 balls of yarn (not 21).
Using 4.00 mm circular needle, cast on 304 sts. Work back and forth across needle as follows:
Row 1 *K1, P3, K8, P3, K9. Rep from* to the last 16 sts, K1, P3,
K8, P3, K1.
Row 2 *P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K2, P2, K2, P1, K1, P1, K1, P9.
Rep from * to the last 16 sts, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1, K2, P2,
K2, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1.
Row 3 *K1, P3, K3, P2, K3, P3, K1, P1, T3B, T3F, P1. Rep from
* to the last 16 sts, K1, P3, K3, P2, K3, P3, K1.
Row 4 *P1, K1, P1, K1, P8, K1, P1, K1, P1, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1.
Rep from * to the last 16 sts, P1, K1, P1, K1, P8, K1, P1,
K1, P1.
Row 5 *K1, P3, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P3, K1, T3B, P2, T3F. Rep
from * to the last 16 sts, K1, P3, K1, P2, K2, P2, K1, P3,
Row 6 *P1, K1, P1, K1. P3, K2, P3, K1, P1, K1, P3, K4, P2. Rep
from * to the last 16 sts, P1, K1, P1, K1, P3, K2, P3, K1,
P1, K1, P1.
Repeat rows 1 to 6 until throw measures 137cm (not 150cm) Cast off.
INDOORS (pg 45)
Cable needle required.
The knitting abbreviation is as follows:
T3B sl next st onto cable needle and leave at back of work K2, then P1 from cable needle.
T3F sl next 2 sts onto cable needle and leave at front of work, P1 then K2 from cable needle.
K1-b means knit through the back of the loop instead of the front of the stitch.
WEEKEND (pg 46)
Tension should be worked with 4.00mm needles (not 5.00mm).
BOOK 5 / Gathering
ANYA (pg 34)
Cast on 76(92,100,108) sts. . . work rib for 12 cm, ending on a WS row and inc 6(0,0,2) sts across last row worked.
CELESTE (pg 35)
Before Shape Neck, the line should read: "measures 56 (56, 58, 58)cm, ending on a WS row." NOT 50 (50, 52, 52)cm.
"Work as for front until length measures 57(57,59,59)cm" NOT 53 (53, 55, 55)cm.
IMOGEN (pg 40)
Front and back rib should be worked for 8cm.
NINA (pg 44)
Row 1 (RS) K1, * yf, P3tog without slipping sts from left hand needle, yb, K the same 3 sts tog still leaving them on the left hand needle, yf, P the same 3 sts tog and now slipping them off the needle, yb, K1; rep from * to end.
Row 2 (WS) Purl
7th row down - replace 15(15,14,13)cm with 15(15,17,17)cm
15th row down - replace 43(43,45,45)cm with 45(45,47,47)cm
23rd row down - replace 2(2,0,0)rows straight with 4(4,4,4) rows. and add (adjust length here if necessary).
ZOE (pg 45)
Yarn Quantities - number of balls of mohair should match the quantity of Silkroad Aran.
MAKING UP Neckband. . . pick up 64(64, 72,72) sts etc .
Page 29 Photos -Version 1 should read version 3 and version 3 should read Version 1
Page 45 Photos -shows Version 3 & 1
JENNY HATS (pg 46)
MOSS ST Row 2: K the P sts and P the K sts as they face you.
Rows 11 and 13: K2tog, *K2, yon, K1, yon, K2, sl1, K2tog, psso; rep from * to last 8 sts, K2, yon, K1, yon, K2, sl1, K1, Psso, K1.
BOOK 6 / Village
...dec 1 st at neck edge on every row, 0(5,19,22) times [11(14,15,18) sts].
...Shape shoulder (WS) Cast off 4(5,5,6) sts at beg next and foll alt row, once. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 3(4,5,6) sts.
Shape shoulders (RS) Cast off 4(5,5,6) sts at beg next 4 rows, then 3(4,5,6) sts at beg next 2 rows. Cast off rem 30(32,40,40) sts.
The abbreviation for 'up 1' is actually the same as 'm1' in the abbreviations at the beginning of the pattern pages.
Sleeve shaping: line 7 should read inc 1 st each end of foll 8th rows 12 times, NOT 10th rows as stated...this gives 96 shaping rows NOT 120 as stated.
Collar shaping - 4th row down says Knit 8 rows - it should say Knit 9 rows.
This changes the Next row to (WS) and the following row to (RS).
Graph - The "Make Ringlet" symbol are in pairs, therfore the first and last symbol on rows 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 & 25 should not be there.
Page 40
Collar shaping - 4th row down says Knit 8 rows - it should say Knit 9 rows.
This changes the Next row to (WS) and the following row to (RS)
Collar is to be joined at back of neck.
Graph - The "Make Ringlet" symbol are in pairs, therefore the first and last symbol on rows 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 & 25 should not be there.
MARKET (pg 42)
Sleeves .... Shape sides as follows; inc 1 st each end foll 5th row, then each end foll 8th rows, 12 times [81(85,89,93)sts, 101 shaping rows].
UPTOWN (pg 48)
Special Abbreviations:
C2F or C2B - should read: knit into back (C2B) or knit into front (C2F).
Rows 1, 3 & 5, (RS) becomes (WS)
Row 7: K2, sl next 7 sts onto cable needle and hold at back of work, p5,[(p1,k1) 3 times, k1 from cable needle] K2.
Establishment rows should read;
Row 1 (WS) P4, K2 work row 1 Cable panel, k2, P4.
Row 2 (RS) K6, work row 2 Cable panel, K6
These 2 rows set pattern.
BISCOTTI (pg 50)
Missing: Next row (RS) K14, M1, k5, M1, k11. Work 3 rows [32 sts, 12 shaping rows].
Add this before doing the thumb.
Favourite Sweater (pg 40)
Front Size C cast on 88 sts for the k4, p4 rib and increase 1 st each end of first stocking stitch row to make 90 sts to keep pattern correct then proceed as pattern reads working in st st until length measures 43(45,46,48)cm, ending on a WS row.
BOOK 7 / Family
Hat Version 1 -Centre Column, 5th row down - work 8cm not 8 rows.
Starting 12th row from the bottom of the 3rd column on page 40
Work 3 rows
Shape Neck (RS) (K1,P1) 3 times, dec right, K5(7,9,11) sts, turn, leave rem 10 sts on a holder [12(14,16,18)sts].
(WS) Cast off 2(2,3,3)sts, P to last 6 sts. (K1,P1)3 times [10(12,13,15)sts].
(RS) (K1,P1) 3 times, K to end.
(WS) Cast off 1(2,3,3)sts, P to last 6 sts. (K1,P1) 3 times [9(10,10,12)sts].
(RS) (K1,P1) 3 times, dec right, K0(1,1,3)st [7(8,8,10)sts].
(WS) Cast off 1(2,2,2)sts, P0(0,0,2)sts, (K1,P1)3 times [6 (6, 6, 8)sts].
(RS) (K1, P1) 3 times K0 (0,0,2)sts [6(6,6,8)sts].
(WS) Cast off 0(0,0,2)sts, (K1, P1)3 times [6 (6,6,6)sts]
(RS) (K1, P1) 3 times [6 (6 6 6)sts].
(WS) Cast off 2(2,2,2) sts, P1, K1, P1 [4(4,4,4)sts].
(RS) (K1, P1) 2 times
(WS) (K1, P1) 2 times
Cast off
BOOK 8 / Eclectic
TEA COSY (pg 44)
The yarn quantity for Col A 349 Porcelain should be 2 balls.
(Even number of stitches)
Row 1 K1, P1 to end.
Row 2 P1, K1 to end.
Rep these 2 rows.
The yarn quantities should be:
Colour A 9 9 10 10
Colour B 3 3 4 4
Increase the amount of yarn needed by 2 balls.
Where the pattern refers to either K1, P1 Rib or 2 x 1 Rib:
work the 2 X 1 RIB PATTERN as outlined in the third para of the second column on page 43.
This may be obvious to experienced knitters, however we have included this clarification here for beginners who may be a little confused by our instructions.
BOOK 9 / Saturday
Version 2
Join Fronts After row is worked there should be [82(90,98,110) sts].
Before last Rib Band is worked, it should read: Change to 3.25mm needles.
Fitted Cardigan (page 40).
Right Front
Substitute 'knit to end' for the sequence of numbers under 'Both Versions Shape bodice (RS)' It will read as: K to last 22(25, 30, 35) sts, K2 tog, knit to end. Then substitute 'knit to end' again, 5 rows down, where it reads (RS) K to last 21 (24, 29, 34) sts, M1, knit to end.
Textured Rib Sweater (pg 50)
Col C is 248 Sorbet (not a current shade; needs a substitute yarn shade)
Using this needle holding 7 sts, K up 12 sts along side of heel. With a second needle, K across 22 instep sts. Using a third needle, K up 12 sts along other side of heel, then rem 7 heel sts [60 sts].
REBECCA (pg 19)
Left column 3rd row down. Inc row (RS) should be...Knit to marked st, up 1, K the marked st, up 1, k to Cable Panel, work Cable Panel, k to marked st, up 1, K the marked st, up 1, k to end.
Before row 25 insert -Work 1 row.
Row 28 should read Work 3 (3, 1,1,1) rows straight.
TASH HAT (pg 20)
Row 7 ..P1, [p2tog, k6(or C6B), p2, p2tog] 5 times.
Sleeves - after "These 2 rows set the pattern" insert Change to 5mm needles.
